DiazWiechers IP Abogados

Author Archives: enzotorres

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers. Artícle “Legal Treatment of Geographical Indications and Denominations of Origin in Chile”, in Revista de Derecho de la Empresa, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, N°9, January-March 2007.

“CHILE: Entre el Alcázar y La Moneda”. Santiago de Chile, 1999. Historical Essay.

“Heinrich Ludwig Wiechers: A Life and a Family in Two Continents. With unpublished documents on the repatriation to Vienna of Emperor Maximilian’s body”. History/Genealogy, Mexico City, 2015. Private publication.

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers. Article “El Marco Legal de las Variedades Vegetales en Chile”, in the publication “La Propiedad Intelectual en Chile y el Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos”, Serie de Estudios Técnicos AmCham, Documento Nro. 2, AMCHAM CHILE, Santiago, 2010.

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers. Article “El marco legal chileno en materia de variedades vegetales”, “Revista de Derecho de la Empresa”, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile, N°11, Julio-Septiembre 2007.

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers. Paper, “Las Indicaciones Geográficas”, prepared for the International Seminar “Aplicación del Acuerdo sobre los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual (ADPIC/TRIPS) en el Ámbito Silvoagropecuario”, Santiago, 2001.

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers. Professional thesis, “Análisis de la Cuestión Alemana desde el punto de vista del Derecho Internacional y del derecho interno alemán”, Universidad Anáhuac, México, 1990.

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers is a Board Member of the Activities Sponsored by the Chilean?Mexican Chamber of Commerce and serves as the Members and Culture Committees Chairman. The photographs were taken at official events called by this Chamber of Commerce with the Ambassadors of Mexico in Chile Mario Leal Campos

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers regularly attends the INTA conferences and takes these opportunities to meet his clients, correspondents, and friends to discuss the most recent developments in trademark and plant varieties law and practice. The photographs were taken at diverse INTA social events in the USA and other countries.

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers has been a member of the Cámara Chileno-Alemana de Industria y Comercio (Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer) or CAMCHAL. In addition as the Chilean representative of several German and Austrian companies and as the agent in Chile of Sequel Power and the Margrave Alexander of Meissen, regularly

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers regularly participates in international conferences and events addressing plant varieties. For example, the CIOPORA congresses in Rome and Miami, among others, or the SNICS’s (Sagarpa’s) Seminaries in Mexico.

In July 2022 our firm Diaz Wiechers appeared listed under to concepts, plant varieties and trademarks, in the edition of “Leaders League” related to IP in Chile. In view of this, the El Mercurio newspaper, of Santiago de Chile, issued on July 27, 2022 a special edtion regarding the firms

Article appeared on 20 October 2014 in the “Revista del Campo” (Agriculture Magazine) of the newspaper “El Mercurio” of Santiago de Chile, pointing out Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers as one of the best known lawyers in the agriculture business in Chile, in the plant variety area. We enclose photos of

Juan Alberto Díaz Wiechers was a speaker.

On occasion of the INTA 2011 Conference held in San Francisco, we visited the facilities of our client Plant Sciences, Inc., in Watsonville, California, producer of diverse berries, which we represent in Chile and Mexico. Our friends and principals, the German?American Sequel Power company in the photovoltaic industry, kindly offered

Upon the inauguration of our DiazWiechers IP Law firm and in order to meet clients and friends in a less formal setting, on April 4, 2008 we hosted a cocktail party at the Santiago Intercontinental Hotel. A very special guest was H.R.H. Prince Alexander of Saxony, Margrave of Meissen, who
